Friday 26 July 2013

Not as smart as you might think but I've still got it

So anyone who knows me will be aware that I'm a big fan of the movie 'Braveheart'. Yeah yeah I know it's VERY loosely based on real events and that Scottish history got a serious dose of Hollywood treatment, but it's fucking brilliant. Fact. Here is some proof:

Look at that face! Classic Mel. Anyway, I've seen it about 20 times at least, so imagine my dismay when I did a trivia quiz on it and only scored 11/20. Actually, I say that but it's still better than 50%. Yeah? You think that's shit? You try it then smart arse and see how you here to accept my challenge.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, now thats's a different kettle of monkey brains entirely (in joke alert). I know it line for line, having watched it every Saturday afternoon since the age of six until about oooh 11? I still try and watch it at least twice a month in some capacity, in fact I'm planning on putting it on this afternoon, lest I forget the dying words of Indy's other side kick when he gets shot by one of Lao Che's henchman. Just kidding, he says 'This time Indy, I go first...quark' (I added the 'quark'-death chortle?)

So I know what you're thinking at this point, where on Earth is this going? I can tell you with all honesty I don't know. So I will end this post with a picture of Indiana at his best and a poem about two of my favourite films.

If you look carefully you can see that Steven Spielberg's  right arm is really a trouser leg

Two really awesome film characters

William Wallace has a blue face
Indy's face is always dirty
Who would win in a fight?
Neither because they are both awesome
Instead they would combine 
The result would be William Jones
Possibly the most extra-ordinary human being to roam the Earth
But with the most ordinary name
This was a mistake

Monday 3 December 2012

Let's get festive Monday

We went to a cottage in the country this was called Cobbler's Cottage, in Nayland Suffolk. I took a few's like the kind of cottage that you get in in if someone asked you how much more cottagey do you think this cottage could get, you would say none more cottagey. Take a look for yourself...we cooked appropriate food in the cottage's lovely range pork belly, roast chicken, we had hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream, took the dog for lovely country walks...accessorised with an open fire and class A loungewear.

I think you get the idea....I would definitely recommend can find details of this cottage and lots of other lovely ones here.

Now I'm not sure about you but I bloody love on the way home we bought our Christmas tree and decorations and spent the rest of the afternoon doing this...

You may think it's a bit early for this kind of thing but I say shove off. It's Christmas...lighten up and give someone a hug x

Sunday 25 November 2012

Lobster Bisque family day

Hello all. What's been happening with you since the last time you visited? I have not been up to much really...just working and the like. I did see Skyfall- it was really good...we had dinner at Franco Manca's in the village before hand....that was also very good. I don't eat pizza crusts...but I always eat the pizza crusts here...this is a testament to how tasty the food is. Beware though...if you come down for lunch at the weekend there will be a queue and you will have to wait. End of warning. What I really want to try though is the new fried chicken place-wishbone. I waited here for Joseph before the movie...the aromas in that place made my mind go insane and my taste buds go nuts...BUT it was really busy and I don't really like standing and eating food (the tables upstairs weren't open yet but they are now) so we had pizza instead. I will be back though...I'll let you know how is...I'll take a few pictures of their tasty morsels to share with you too.

Here is a poem of mine to get you pondering on some of life's bigger questions...and the consequences of rumours...

Moon face round face

The moon looked at me today,
He said 'why do you look sad'
I said 'I'm not sad-just thinking and that'
He said 'what are you thinking?'
I said 'are you made of cheese?'
He said 'of course not'
I said 'sorry for asking'

Monday 12 November 2012

Plan B


So if you've been following my blog you'll have noticed I've been pretty absent considering I was going to 'write something everyday' Soooooooo, plan b is to try and write something at least once a week-maybe Tuesday but probably Wednesday. This weekend I bought some desert boots. I used to have some from New Look that I wore so much the sole collapsed. I was sad for a long time but now I've bought some new ones I can only be haps. I also bought a winter coat from American Apparel-it's the winter jacket in midnight navy. I gave my old coats to charity without getting any new ones so I nearly shit myself when it got cold just now-why is it so cold? It's not cold anymore because I have a proper coat.

What are your plans this weekend? I haven't got any money because I bought a new pair if shoes and a coat so I will be relaxing at home (with the old man and our cats). We could go and see Skyfall, if we do I'll let you know what it's like.

I'm going to make some carbonara now...until next week-here are some wise words-if you're feeling down don't worry, you'll always have your looks. That's not true, but its good to be positive.

Monday 13 June 2011



I'm going on holiday to Spain tommorrow for one week-so I won't be writing on my blog everyday after all, although when I get back from holiwax I will have lot's of interesting things for discussion. So far today I have done a laundry (for holichops)and some work for the office. I think my wisdom tooth is trying to make a bid for freedom-it feels like a tiny hamster trying to push his way out of my gum with his bottom.

Here is one of the greetings from inside one of my birthday cards (the card in question had a picture of Chris Brown on the front)

You are the world and the future
there is so much talent and ability you possess inside
Educate your mind to be the best that you can be
You are up there with the best of your peers
and better than the rest of them
Believe in yourself and your dreams will follow-look to the future for a brighter tommorrow
May all your wishes come true in all the dreams you pursue

Thanks Glen and Clare x

Sunday 12 June 2011

hmm hmm post post


Today I decided to start a blog. I will try to write something everyday. I think this is manageable-at least one thing happens to me every day that's worth sharing. Yesterday it was my party for my 30th birthday and it was a lot of fun-I have spent the day relaxing with Roxy (our cat). We watched The Lion King and now we are watching Ghostbusters while I blog. I experienced some true romance on Friday-I've been very blessed this week and feel very lucky that I have so much love in my life.

I shall finish my first post with a poem I wrote a little while ago...

What is a goolab?
A goolab could be a tasty Indian desert made with milk flour,
Or a man's sperm bags,
Goolabs are often sweaty,
Sugar syrup or actual sweat juice,
I wish men's testicles were like sugary goolabs,
I would have a goolab everyday